Find out about our trustees and how to contact us.
Contact the Trust
General Enquiries
For further information about the Trust and its work please contact the Secretary, Beverley Hancock: rhcptrust@gmail.com
If you would like to support the work of the Trust please contact the Acting Treasurer, Beverley Hancock
07751 398466
Rutland Ride & Stride
For information about the Rutland Ride & Stride charity event please contact the organiser:
Sue Thomas
07885 046449
President HM Lord Lieutenant of Rutland, Dr Sarah Furness
Vice President Sir Laurence Howard KCVO,OBE, JP
Chairman Peter Lawson BEM, DL
Hon. Secretary Beverley Hancock
Acting Treasurer Beverley Hancock
Ride & Stride Co-Organisers Sue Thomas
David Wood
Trustees with special responsibility for places of worship
Catherine Coulson With special responsibility for parishes of Bisbrooke, Caldecott, Glaston, Lyddington, Morcott, Seaton, Stoke Dry, Uppingham Methodist and Uppingham School Chapel.
Stephen G. Harris With special responsibility for parishes of Barrowden, Ketton (including Keton Methodist Church), Morcott, South Luffenham, Tinwell and Tixover.
Peter Hitchcox With special responsibility for parishes of Stretton, Thistleton, Cottesmore, Exton, Greetham, Clipsham, Tickencote and Empingham Methodist Church.
Pat Morley With special responsibility for parishes of Ashwell, Burley, Market Overton, Teigh, Whissendine and Langham Baptist Church.
Kerry Nimmons
Stephen Taylor With special responsibility for Uppingham School Chapel and the parishes of Ayston, Belton and Wardley.
Sue Thomas With special responsibility for parishes of Essendine, Great Casterton, Little Casterton, Pickworth, Ryhall and Ryhall Methodist Church.
Vyv Wainwright With special responsibility for Langham and the seven churches in Oakham Town (except the Catholic Church).
Martin G Wilson With special responsibility for the parishes of Braunston, Brooke, Egleton and Hambleton. Exton Catholic Church and Oakham Catholic Church.
David Wood With special responsibility for the parishes of Empingham, Edith Weston, Lyndon, Manton, Normanton, North Luffenham, Pilton, Preston, Ridlington, Whitwell and Wing.