Contact the Trust

General Enquiries

For further information about the Trust and its work please contact the Secretary, Beverley Hancock:


If you would like to support the work of the Trust please contact the Acting Treasurer, Beverley Hancock
07751 398466

Rutland Ride & Stride

For information about the Rutland Ride & Stride charity event please contact the organiser:
Sue Thomas
07885 046449

  • President HM Lord Lieutenant of Rutland, Dr Sarah Furness
  • Vice President Sir Laurence Howard KCVO,OBE, JP
  • Chairman Peter Lawson BEM, DL
  • Hon. Secretary Beverley Hancock
  • Acting Treasurer Beverley Hancock
  • Ride & Stride Co-Organisers Sue Thomas
    David Wood

Trustees with special responsibility for places of worship

  • Catherine Coulson With special responsibility for parishes of Bisbrooke, Caldecott, Glaston, Lyddington, Morcott, Seaton, Stoke Dry, Uppingham Methodist and Uppingham School Chapel.
  • Stephen G. Harris With special responsibility for parishes of Barrowden, Ketton (including Keton Methodist Church), Morcott, South Luffenham, Tinwell and Tixover.
  • Peter Hitchcox With special responsibility for parishes of Stretton, Thistleton, Cottesmore, Exton, Greetham, Clipsham, Tickencote and Empingham Methodist Church.
  • Pat Morley With special responsibility for parishes of Ashwell, Burley, Market Overton, Teigh, Whissendine and Langham Baptist Church.
  • Kerry Nimmons
  • Stephen Taylor With special responsibility for Uppingham School Chapel and the parishes of Ayston, Belton and Wardley.
  • Sue Thomas With special responsibility for parishes of Essendine, Great Casterton, Little Casterton, Pickworth, Ryhall and Ryhall Methodist Church.
  • Vyv Wainwright With special responsibility for Langham and the seven churches in Oakham Town (except the Catholic Church).
  • Martin G Wilson With special responsibility for the parishes of Braunston, Brooke, Egleton and Hambleton. Exton Catholic Church and Oakham Catholic Church.
  • David Wood With special responsibility for the parishes of Empingham, Edith Weston, Lyndon, Manton, Normanton, North Luffenham, Pilton, Preston, Ridlington, Whitwell and Wing.