Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust (RHCPT) exists to provide a financial helping-hand to any church or chapel within Rutland, of any denomination, which is open for public worship and in need of repair or restoration.

The following extract from the Trust Deed demonstrates the wide discretion that RHCPT has when considering applications:

"The Trust was founded in 1954 for the preservation, repair, maintenance, improvement, upkeep, beautification and reconstruction of churches in the County of Rutland and of monuments, fittings, fixtures, stained glass, furniture, ornaments, bells and chattels in such churches and of the Churchyard belonging to any of such churches..."

The Trust knows that preservation of historic buildings is costly and it is a major challenge for most churches to raise sufficient funds.  Our sole purpose is to help so if you are planning a repair or restoration project and need financial assistance, then you are encouraged to make an application. 

Grants range from a few hundred pounds to a few thousand pounds. The Trust will also consider applications for loans.

Remember the eligibility criteria. Applications are invited from:

  • any church or chapel in Rutland, open for public worship
  • in need of repair or restoration

Grants are not available for routine maintenance or running costs.

How to apply

The Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees and for every place of worship in Rutland there is a named Trustee with Special Responsibility (TSR) for supporting a group of churches. The starting point for developing a grant application is to contact your TSR. The TSR will guide you through the application process and will be happy to look at and advise on a draft application so please contact your TSR well in advance of the closing date for applications. You are strongly advised not to submit your application until you have completed the consultation process.

TSRs have sent their contact details to their churches. If you do not have your TSR’s contact details please contact the Secretary, Beverley Hancock, by emailing

Applications must be completed electronically. Click here to download the application form as a Word document. On completion, the application should be emailed to your TSR and copied to the Secretary. A copy of the latest Independently Examined Report and Accounts for the place of worship should also be attached to the email.

RHCPT needs certain information to make a decision about your application but has endeavoured to keep the application process as simple as possible. Guidance Notes have been provided to help you and applicants are strongly advised to read them before completing the application form. The Guidance Notes can be downloaded here.

When to apply

The Board of Trustees meets twice a year, usually in June and November, to consider applications for funding. Applications can be submitted at any time but to be considered at the next Board meeting the closing dates for applications are May 31st and October 31st each year.

Retrospective applications for work which has already started or been completed are not normally considered. In exceptional circumstances, talk to your TSR.

What happens next

Applicants are notified of the Trustees’ decision shortly after the Board meeting. The grant is paid following satisfactory completion of the repair or restoration work; this may need to be certified by an architect if one has been engaged for the project.