The 2019 event was a great success and raised over £20,000 (just). This is almost exactly the same as the 2017 event, which I still think of as seminal. Yes, the year when for the first time three cyclists managed to cycle to all 64 churches. Others will hopefully follow in their footsteps (or pedals) but nobody can ever take it away from them as a FIRST. In 2019, Tom Case from Hambleton won the Davenport Handley silver cup. He cycled to 52 churches. He told me afterwards that he enjoyed visiting the churches on his route too much and could have added many more to his list if he had just dashed in and out. Well done Tom.
As in previous years all Rutland’s churches were open which is an exceptional achievement unique to Rutland. We owe an enormous debt to the church organisers and recorders for this wonderful feat. This must involve 200/250 people and as in the past most churches generously offered refreshments as well.
Just under 100 cyclists and walkers took part and raised money for 44 churches which is more than in 2017. We welcomed new participants from Caldicote, Lyndon, North and South Luffenham, Stoke Dry and Whissendine as well as from Oakham and Ryhall Methodist churches. Sometimes a village drops off this list because one person leaves the village without a successor which is a great pity.
Margaret and Robert Miles have been great supporters over the years and combine a love of cycling with a love of churches. Yes: Margaret was our High Sheriff in 2019 so we were immensely grateful that she asked what she could do to help us. Centuries ago, the new High Sheriff of Rutland would ride around his (Yes HIS in those days) county on horseback to define his authority. So, Margaret and Robert rode around the county on their bicycles! It took nearly ten hours and they stopped at 23 churches on their way to thank recorders and organisers for their efforts. Lots of people accompanied them on part of the route including Rob Persani of Rutland Radio who cycled half the route with them and broadcast live from all the places where they stopped to meet people along the way. Thank you to Margaret, Robert and Rob. They brought Ride + Stride to the notice of a whole new audience and raised valuable funds for the County Fund.
Beverley Hancock won the best walker prize visiting 18 churches, in support of Thistleton church which many will know has been successfully revived By Bev and friends to be not just a place of worship but as in times of old, a village meeting place. The RHCPT greatly admired and contributed to this work