We are please to announce the date for the next Ride and Stride event will be Saturday 13th of September 2025. Details for participants can be found here.


You can keep up to date with news about Ride and Stride prior to the event by accessing our Facebook page.

Please feel free to tell us:

  • how your preparations are going
  • would you like to meet up with a buddy and practise together
  • churches in Rutland that you consider are a 'must see'
  • any shortcuts you have found
  • roads / tracks that no longer exist
  • share experiences from previous R&S events (esp. fun stories)

Your pictures are especially welcome.

After the event, tell us what you thought about the day. Which churches had the best grub. Would you recommend Ride + Stride to your friends? Suggestions for future improvements. We look forward to telling more people what an enjoyable day out it is and that they want to start planning for it well in advance... get training and get sponsored!