In the course of its work helping Rutland churches maintain the fabric of their buildings and churchyards and raising money for this sole purpose, RHCPT retains records of the personal contact details of: parish officers who apply to the Trust for grants, church organisers for Ride + Stride, participants and their sponsors in Ride + Stride and personal donors to the Trust.
This data is never shared with Third Parties nor does the Trust buy potential donor data from Third Parties.
RHCPT retains data solely for its own efficient working purposes and to meet statutory requirements from the HMRC to justify tax reclaims under GiftAid.
In particular, the efficient running of Ride + Stride requires the organising trustees to have contact details of all church organisers throughout Rutland; and trustees with special responsibility for a group of parishes likewise for those parishes. No other trustees retain this information.
In respect of Ride + Stride, the Treasurer reports to all trustees the achievements of all participants. This list of participants is necessary to determine how much of the funds raised should be shared with each parish directly. The Treasurer and Ride + Stride trustees retain this information for six years. Other trustees are required to delete it within one month.
Participants’ forms contain a list of individual sponsors, and their addresses if they are using GiftAid. These forms are retained by the Treasurer to help with any subsequent queries from the HMRC and destroyed after six years. No copies are made nor further use made of this list of donors.
The Treasurer of RHCPT may report to the Trustees personal donations received. The Secretary and the Treasurer both keep a permanent list of these donors as an acknowledgement of their generosity. This list is never used to solicit further donations. Furthermore, the contact details of these donors are not shared with other Trustees.
The data controller is the Treasurer of the Trust.
Individuals are encouraged to contact the RHCPT secretary about any concerns that they may have. If those concerns should persist then individuals may contact the Information Controller’s Office