Thank you for agreeing to sponsor a cyclist or walker. The money you pay to the participant will be divided equally between Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust and the Christian place of worship nominated by the participant.

Funds raised will only be used to help maintain the fabric of churches and chapels in the county of Rutland. The trustees normally meet twice a year to consider additional applications for funding from any church or chapel in the county.

Gift Aid

You will be aware that the Chancellor of the Exchequer enables people who pay sufficient tax to request that a charity recover the tax on their donation. For this to happen, without any additional cost to you, all you have to do is complete the necessary boxes on the participant's form - either their paper registration form or their online GoodHub form.

The critical information required by the Inland Revenue is your name, address and full postcode. Please also tick the box to indicate that you would like the Trust to claim gift aid on your donation.

Thank you for taking the time to ensure that the Trust can get the maximum benefit from your donation.