You can get sponsorship either online, in person or by a combination of both methods. Whichever method you choose you will still need to complete the registration form it is also used to record details of churches visited on the day. Both sponsoring methods enable 'Gift Aid' income tax recovery. This makes donations worth 25% more for no cost and negligible extra effort.

Offline sponsorship

This is the traditional paper based method using the sponsorship section on your registration form. It has the benefit of allowing face-to-face persuasion of your friends, relations and colleagues to sponsor you. However, you may have to spend time later collecting the money from them after the event. You need to put your details on the sponsors form.

Online sponsorship

This is an electronic, web-based method using GoodHub. It has the benefit of enabling you to get sponsored by people you do not see very often and relieves you of the problem of collecting their sponsorship money. The simplest method is to direct your sponsors to the RHCPT GoodHub page but do urge them to mention your name in their message so we know who they are supporting and we can thank you. If you are more tech savvy, there are extra benefits to you of a personalised page (see below).

The benefits of collecting sponsorship online include some or all of the following:

  • It is a good way of contacting people you do not see very often - just send them an e-mail with reference to your GoodHub
  • GoodHub will keep you updated on who has sponsored you and for how much
  • Sponsors tend to be more generous when using this method
  • GoodHub will collect all your sponsorship money for you - no need to chase people to pay
  • GoodHub will automatically process the Gift Aid application for us
  • You can have fun creating a simple webpage using their template

Create your page now!

Visit the RHCPT GoodHub page to create your GoodHub. Click the 'Fundraise' button and follow the steps.

Gift Aid enhancement

You can add 25% to your sponsorship money, at no extra cost to you or your sponsor, effectively through income tax recovery.

It would be unethical for sponsors to first pay tax on their income before making a donation to a registered charity (for example you earn £125 to give £100 to charity and the Chancellor of the Exchequer pockets £25). This is recognised by the Chancellor and so he allows registered charities to reclaim the tax on the sponsor's donation - thereby giving the donation an extra boost! This is called the 'Gift Aid' scheme.

But don't worry - we will effectively reclaim all this money on your behalf as long as your sponsors have done the following:

Off-line sponsorship (paper based):
Sponsors will need to tick the box to indicate they wish the Trust to reclaim Gift Aid, enter their full name and postcode and signed and date your Ride & Stride registration form.

Online sponsorship (GoodHub):
Sponsors will need to tick the box on their screen to indicate they wish the Trust to reclaim Gift Aid (your sponsor will already have identified themselves).

It's easy to do and it boosts donations by 25% - just do it!