We have collected many tips for kick-starting Ride & Stride fundraising and keeping the momentum going. Feel free to use some or all of these tips on your own GoodHub page to help you make the most of your page and raise as much money as possible.

1. Personalise your page

Make your page as compelling as possible by adding your own photograph and text. Make sure your page communicates the reason you have chosen to raise money, and why you believe your chosen charity deserves support. Be creative!

2. Email your family and close friends first

Before sending an email to your entire address book, asking your closest friends and family to donate first. An empty page can be a little intimidating, so do make sure to capture a couple of donations before contacting your entire list of potential sponsors.

People tend to match the amounts already listed on the page, so do target your most generous supporters first!

3. Tell everyone you know

Email your family, friends and colleagues with a link to your page, but don't forget other groups of potential supporters: former colleagues, old school and college friends, fellow members of a church, club or PTA — you may be surprised how many would like to sponsor you.

Encourage them all to pass on the message to anyone else who might support your chosen charity. Also think of those people living in different parts of the UK or abroad. The Internet is global — so make the most of it!

4. Contact your local media

Publicity in the local media can be an invaluable fundraising tool. A few lines in the local paper, or an appeal for sponsorship on your local radio station, can yield amazing results.

With GoodHub, attracting sponsorship couldn't be easier — readers and listeners can simply visit your page and sponsor you direct. The best way to get some publicity is by sending out a press release.

5. Keep your page updated and email your friends — again

Be persistent. It takes more than one round of emails to reach one's target. Encourage people to re-visit your page by regularly updating it.

Change your picture, post updates on your progress and, if you are taking part in a sporting event, keep a training diary. Let supporters know how much you've raised so far. An email update is interesting for those who've already supported you and a nudge for those who haven't.

You know what it's like - people mean to donate, but sometimes they don't quite get round to it on the first request.

6. Use your own email as well as the facility on the page

Because you are already familiar with your own email system, you can set up groups and you'll be able to send more emails at once than you can via your sponsorship page.

Some of your potential supporters may feel more comfortable opening an email that comes from you personally through an email address they recognise.

7. Change your email signature at work and/or at home

After your name and title etc, add a line at the bottom including the address of your web page. This will raise awareness of your event and ensure every email you send has the potential to prompt a donation.

8. Communicate what a donation will buy

Let your supporters know what their donation will buy and how it wil benefit them. The funds raised are for the building, not for a religious event. Most people expect the Church to be there when they need it!

9. Put a notice up in your gym, church, college, children's school, etc.

Don't just rely on email. A simple poster asking people to visit your fundraising page can reach people whose email address you don't have. You might also consider printing some flyers to hand out to people when you see them.

10. Ask to be on your company's website

See if your company would be prepared to add your web address to its public website or private intranet. Many companies like to promote the charitable and public-spirited efforts of their staff and you could get a lot of extra donations from this.

Some companies may even offer a "matched giving" scheme where they offer to match any amounts you have raise, so this action could help you reach your target even faster.

11. Personalise your thank-you email

When you create your page, you have the opportunity to personalise the thank-you message each donor automatically receives. In addition to expressing your thanks, use this opportunity to ask supporters to pass on your web address to anyone else who might be interested in sponsoring you.

If you have already created your page, you can log in to your account to personalise the thank-you message at any time.

12. Keep fundraising after your event

Some 20 per cent of all donations through goodhub come in after people have completed their fundraising event. So don't stop fundraising once you've crossed the finish line. Update your page and email your supporters with news of your success.

Remind those who haven't yet donated to do so, and ask others to donate again in recognition of your achievement.