Our Churches
Although Rutland is the smallest county in the country it still has over sixty Christian places of worship many of which are notable for various reasons, some historic some by association.
Simon Jenkins in his book England’s Thousand Best Churches’ highlights thirteen
churches within the county, i.e. about twenty percent of the total which, in
itself, speaks volumes! In fact, he says that (Rutland) has more good churches
per square mile than any other (county)
. Also, Brian Harris in his book
Harris’s Guide to Churches & Cathedrals draws attention to five of Rutland’s
Find Rutland's Historic Churches
Click on the link below for a list of the churches and their locations with some help for users of Satnavs to locate them more easily. You can find links to external sites that contain information about Rutland churches on the Links & Information page.
Presentations by Richard Adams
Richard Adams, one of our Trustees and a well known local photographer, has created two beautiful presentations showing a number of Rutland churches. Click on the links below to view the presentations via YouTube.
Rutland Historic Churches Part 1
Rutland Historic Churches Part 2