Help you can give
In order for the Trust to financially assist with the preservation of Rutland’s churches and chapels, it is totally dependent on the generosity of members of the public who provide money in a variety of different ways.
Funds raised are very carefully managed by the Trust to provide a return on investments and capital growth to ensure that requests for help can be met now and in the future.

Our major fundraising event is Ride and Stride which is held in September, every two years. Participants challenge themselves to visit as many churches as they can in one day by their chosen mode of transport and at the same time raise money to support the work of the Rutland Historic Churches Preservation Trust.
If taking part isn’t for you, could spare an hour or so to help at one of the churches? All churches open on the day and need volunteers to welcome participants, sign their record of churches visited and provide refreshments.
Groups and individuals may wish to organise a fundraising event of their own. For example:
- for many years, the Trust has benefitted from sales of the Rutland Calendar produced by Richard Adams.
- in July 2024, St Peter’s Singers, a Peterborough based choir, celebrated its Golden Anniversary and raised funds for the Trust by having a ‘singing day’ going around some Rutland churches, singing repertoire in sympathy with the wonderful architecture and style of the buildings.

Make a donation
The Trust is always grateful for any donation which is made either by individuals or by churches, whether these are one-off single donations or regular donations. This can be arranged by contacting our Treasurer who will provide bank details and, if required, an address to send any cheques to.
Alternatively, donations can be made online by clicking the link below. This will take you to the GoodHub website.
To maximise the value of donations, taxpayers are asked to consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration. This adds 25p to every £1 at no additional expense to the giver. Download it here in Word format or here in PDF format.
Alternatively you can make a donation online by clicking the link below.

Leave a legacy
People who have a particular connection with, or interest in, Rutland churches, may choose to support the work of the Trust by leaving money in their wills. Please consider this method of giving and click on the link below to find out more about the advantages.
If you are a solicitor, we would ask you to bring our work to the notice of any client you may have who has shown an interest in the churches of this area.