1. Please promote the event as much as possible – parish magazine, village WhatsApp, Nextdoor, etc. Posters and flyers will be supplied.
  2. Please ensure that your Church will be open on Saturday 13th September from 10.00am to 6.00pm.
  3. Please provide refreshments – cake is always popular!
  4. Please put together a rota of Recorders who will greet and sign participants’ RECORD OF CHURCHES VISITED. If there is a wedding or other event  please set up an alternative site nearby
  5. If you are unable to man your church all day, please leave the welcome sheet for them to sign.
  6. If participants do not want to win a prize they can self-record.
  7. Where participants collect sponsorship in the more traditional manner and they discuss it with you, remember that anybody donating by cheque should, if appropriate, sign the GiftAid declaration on the form because this is worth another 25% to us. This requires that sponsors provide their name address and postcode and tick the GiftAid box on the form.
  8. SIGNPOSTING: If you know that your church is difficult to find, it would be helpful if you could devise some sort of simple signposting to help cyclists and walkers  Equally important is providing for those who may need a lavatory.  If your church has one, do please advertise it!
  9. Set up a village team?
  10. The website www.rhcpt.co.uk is designed to allow participants to register online and print off the two forms they will need: the Record of Churches Visited and the Sponsors form. This is important if they want to win a prize.
  11. Use Goodhub as payment platform.
  12. Where participants collect sponsorship in the more traditional manner remember that anybody donating by cheque should, if appropriate, sign the GiftAid declaration on the form because this is worth another 25% to us. This requires that sponsors provide their name address and postcode and tick the GiftAid box on the form.
  13. The Facebook page for the event is Ride and Stride Rutland.
  14. Where Participants and Recorders are collecting sponsor money and not using GoodHub, either you or they can pay this straight into our bank account:
    Sort code 20-63-66
    Account 00779539
  15. Please make sure that your church and their name is recorded so they qualify for a prize and your church receives their half of the takings no later than 12th October 2025.
  16. For those people who have raised sponsorship through GoodHub, their sponsorship money is collected automatically. They should still send their Churches Visited forms either to you or to us directly so that we can thank them.

There are prizes as follows:

CYCLISTS: the DAVENPORT-HANDLEY CUP: for the cyclist visiting the greatest number of churches in Rutland. 

SCROLLS: presented to any cyclist visiting 35 or more churches on the day.

WALKERS: there will be a prize to the most outstanding achievement by a walker and a scroll for walkers who get to 15 or more churches. There will also be a prize for the quirkiest mode of transport – so think outside the (proverbial) box?